Warmth of water

Getting up every morning is a routine which keeps on repeating it self, like a snake biting its tail.


Today while taking bath, I was so drowned in the warmth of the water, that I forgot to get out, and I took around 2 hours before getting out of the bathroom. I was feeling less fatigue, less stress, more relaxed and funny. Funny, because I kept thinking about getting out, then thought “After 2 minutes” and it goes to 2 hours.

A Hot shower helps me to relax, and be my self for a bit. Sometimes I experiment adjusting the temperature of water, by starting with super hot to gradually to cold and then super cold. It feels like going from desert to an iceberg.

But it’s a warning to you guys, don’t try this experiment because I got hard cold in evening. And it continued till late night and was named by my mom “Cold! Really! son its 102 Faranhite “.




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